Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Broken bottles, blood, and more updates!

Gross title, I know, I apologize!

So I broke my first ever polish bottle last night, base and glass everywhere! I thought I got everything all picked up, turns out I missed a piece... a GINORMOUS piece.... I don't want to get graphic but it went a little something like this.... PAIN! LOTS OF PAIN! And blood. Haha I'm so sorry, but my poor foot... I really don't do well with blood... which is very unfortunate because there was a lot! OK I'm done now!

ANYWAYS, that's enough of my not-so-healthy update :) In other news tonight, I was happy to announce not one but TWO winners of my giveaway on Monday. I let me nephews pick the winning names out of the hat and since they both wanted to pick the winner I said, wht the heck!

Both ladies claimed their prizes, made their choices, and I hope to have their gifts in the mail by Friday. Thank you so much to all the wonderful gals who hustled to get me so many likes on the Facebook page, I definitely didn't expect it to move as quickly as it did! The original goal was 100 likes, and we ended the giveaway with 142!!

Very cool beans :)

I'm working slowly but surely to update the various pages on this blog, be patient with me I'm quite slow at times. I'm very happy to say my Reviews page is now up and running with links and photos of all the awesome posts that have gone up- definitely stay tuned as there are more coming that I am extremely excited about! 

For now, it is past my bed time and I leave you with epic cuteness.

Sleep sweet, dream of glitter and walking CAREFULLY around broken bottles :P



  1. Omg the glass sucks! Try not to aggravate it <3
    Also, my little picture on your reviews page MADE MY LIFE. I am tweeting it like mad, yo. xD

    1. Thanks, I gotta go back down there with a vacuum I think... and boots!
      And glad you like :)

  2. OMG I've been talking to you like all night and never thought to ask if you were okay. I'm horrible. I hope you're foot is alright!

  3. Haha it's OK... I only lost 2 toes so it's all good! LOL no, it doesn't even look that bad now that it's all cleaned up it's sitting there all innocent like "What?", I think it was just a deep one that's all. And I don't like bleeding my own blood so ofcourse I had to get dramatic about it!
