Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who needs sleep?

I know it's been ages since we sat down for a chat, I feel like so much has happened in all that time so I want to update you as quickly as possible on all the exciting things, both polish and non-polish related, that have been happening!

So where did we leave off last?

Ah yes, the changing seasons and slowly fading summer :( 

Since that last post we had Thanksgiving up here in Canada (for my American and international friends) the 2nd weekend of October- yes, it's been that long! It was a wonderful weekend away spent with my guy and my parents, it was so nice to be home and feel rested and just enjoy some quietness away from the city life.

I did a little bit of stalking in my free time...

This is Ryan telling me to stop stalking him and come pick some raspberries...

Hey, where'd you go???

After this wonderful and all-too-short weekend, it was back to city and working life :(

It was not without it's perks though, I had the awesome opportunity to go to a Starfield concert and WOW were they amazing! For those of you who aren't familiar, Starfield is a Christian band who have been around for about 10 years now, even if you're not a Christian or familiar with the band they are still a great listen and super funny and down to earth guys... I highly recommend!

You can check out one of their latest songs HERE :)

This update is one I'm pumped about... New footy shoes and the start of indoor soccer :) Aren't they sexy? Yay for getting exercise and getting out of the polish dungeon twice a week!

Now for the polish-related updates! (There are a lot more things to share than I originally thought...)

Tonight has been a night of getting ready for an up-coming craft show. This will be my first ever and I'm not sure what to expect but am kind've excited. Lots of prep has been going on though, hence why I'm still awake at 2am :(

Poor Ryan, I gave him my cold and he is now a big sniffly sicky-pants, but is still helping me get ready for the show. What a guy :)

Will they all fit? And will it handle all that polish? We shall soon find out...

And in the midst of all this preparation, new labels and packaging arrived also! I feel like everything is coming together... but it's all happening at once and it's a bit hard to keep track of at times!

Welcome, new label! What are your thoughts? Do you prefer the old? I'd love feedback!

Here's a way-back play-back for you. 
For those of you amazing people who have supported me from the beginning, you might remember the very basic first labels we had going on... I'd like to think that we've improved ourselves just a bit since the fund-raising for Africa campaign!

Check out these before and after shots....

There are a few more interesting changes coming up (they are mostly polish-related I promise), but since it is after 2 in the AM, I will save them for another post. 

I promise this next one won't take me a month to post, stay tuned. 

Sleep sweet and stay classy all, 



  1. Why didn't it register that you're Canadian?? I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Those shoes look super awesome =D You're probably better with indoor soccer than my boyfriend is... he tried last summer and somehow managed to put himself out right away by missing the ball and kicking the board hard enough to break his toe. It was hilarious, and sad, and schadenfreude, y'know xD

    I already commented on facebook, but I LOVE those new labels. They look very professional and eye catching, and matches your new blog layout (which looks great too!)

    Sorry for the story hour comment =P

  2. Hey no problem, thanks for the feedback Sharra!

    It took me some time to warm up to the new labels I wasn't sure how I felt but I think it was just because it was such a drastic change. I really wanted to show that I'm truly putting a lot of effort into this on every level, not just the polish side of things. The support has been so amazing already that I really want to make sure the customer feels appreciated and like they're getting what they paid for!

    And as for the soccer thing, I'm pretty OK! My advice would be to tell your boyfriend to keep his eye on the ball... AND the boards too so he knows where NOT to kick HAHA! If he needs tips, I'm available for a reasonable fee :)
